Upcoming TimeBank Events/Próximos eventos
All of these events are open to the public. Full Calendar:
Family Game Night
Every month we have Family Game Night at Amanda’s House (1575 Military) from 6-8 PM- usually on the third Tuesday of the month. This event is open to the whole family! We’ll share a potluck style meal and play all kinds of games. Upcoming dates: February 20 March 19 April 16
Happy Hour
Join us the fourth Wednesday of every month at Donovan’s Pub (3003 W Vernor Hwy) from 5-7 PM for a TimeBank Happy Hour! We’ll provide a few light snacks and you can purchase a beverage from the bar. Get to know other TimeBank members and if you aren’t already a member you can do an […]
New Member Orientations
Along with the MI Alliance of TimeBanks we do new member orientations the first Thursday of every month at 5:30 PM over Zoom. You can also go to our Monthly Happy Hours on the 4th Wednesday of every month. If neither of those work for you, e-mail uoc.timebank@gmail.com or call/text 313-451-0135 and we can set […]

MI Alliance of TimeBanks Learning Circles
The Michigan Alliance of TimeBanks is a statewide organization that helps to start and support TimeBanks. They host monthly Learning Circles on a variety of topics relevant to TimeBanks and their members. Learning Circles are usually on the first Saturday of the month from 11 AM to 1 PM. We usually have both in-person and […]