Black Lives Matter
Police brutality and mass incarceration are antithetical to the core principles and values that TimeBanking is founded on. TimeBanking was popularized after the publication of No More Throw Away People by Edgar Cahn. Cahn writes about the way that the money economy regards certain groups of people- those that are unemployed, disabled, elders, children- as […]

Upcoming TimeBank Orientations
We have had a ton of interest in TimeBanking since the start of the pandemic. We love that in a scary time of crisis folks are turning to community and solidarity more than ever. As a result we have scheduled several upcoming orientations to hopefully meet everyone’s schedule. If you can’t make any of these […]

Help Us Improve the Tool Library!
https://ioby.org/project/unity-our-community-tool-library It is almost the end of 2019- and time to consider your year end giving.We want to encourage you all to consider the TimeBank in your giving plans- and invite your friends and family to give as well. Just a donation of $20 is a huge help!